Moving Sushi Expedition Ethics
Over the coming years we plan to develop and instigate marine inspired expeditions, gathering together scientists, photographers, film makers and entrepreneurs or anyone that is interested in ocean exploration. The concept for an expedition can be as wild and as far reaching as we dare to dream, and we are gathering people together to dream big. If you would like to be part of an expedition send us an email detailing in what capacity you would like to be involved or what idea you may have that warrants an expedition that as a team, with you, we can build.
Regarding our expeditions, there is no hard and fast rule, however we will aim to achieve the following:
- Create new knowledge that is geographically relevant and scientifically robust. We have previously focused on baseline data (creating a permanent record) that are open access and can be used with other tools i.e. climate change data, sea surface temp data etc. We are inspired conduct expeditions that can have as far reaching collaborative potential as possible.
- The expedition science must be replicable (with relevant inexpensive technology). We try to stay away from using US$ million technology for a once off study, unless it is certain to be worth it, because we want other explorers/scientists/NGO’s etc. to be able to add to the data over time. Stereo-videography used during the East African Marine Transect Expedition, is a good example of “relevant off the shelf technology.”
- The data must be socially relevant and try be as inclusive as possible, i.e. relevance with respect to food security, population requirements (social economics/cultural considerations) etc.
- All expedition datasets will be open source through a creative commons licensing agreement.
- Expeditions must try and be “ground breaking,” linking ideas, challenging norms, working from “outside the box” so to speak.
- They must be ambitious, built on big ideas then carved to reality.
- Expeditions must be inspiring, linking people and creating a space for actionable ideas.
- Push scientific boundaries, not only with respect to scientific frontiers (technology), but also the archaic framework by which scientists work “the publish or perish” philosophy.
- All expeditions are a team effort, and we are happy to explore all possible ideas, and more importantly to turn them into reality.
- Expeditions must be based on the understanding that from our work change is possible.
As Thesenger once wrote: "for to have done the journey on a camel when you could have done it in a car would have turned the venture into a stunt."

Disclaimer for media and travel
As a freelance Journalist I spend a lot of my own and on occasions when he’s not looking, Mike’s money in order to travel to different countries and participate in different activities. There is a myth that a travel writer makes enough money to live on. A very small majority makes bank and the rest of us cry into our pillows at night when we have to do tax returns. Writing is not particularity lucrative or dependable so often we rely on the travel and hospitality industry to cover the holes in our pockets we can’t. That being said all opinions are our own and any sponsored or hosted trips will be disclosed in the relevant blog posts. Freebies are not accepted for positive coverage of any kind (never…..never ever) and I tend to do extensive research on areas and places I travel to before posting anything on the blog. Honesty and integrity are incredibly important to us, and we hope it shows through in all our work. We also reserve the right to not publish any guest posts if we don’t feel they are an honest reflection of what we stand for. We strive to bring our readers interesting and insightful content from people working with their hearts in the ocean or in the natural world and more often than not we have to hunt them down personally to get their contributions. If you would like to submit a guest post please contact me (Linda Markovina) and I will send you the guidelines.
Disclaimer for expedition media and content creation
Moving Sushi is a non profit company and our activities are driven primarily through fundraising initiatives. During Moving Sushi expeditions, photographers, cameramen and journalists capture and create content. Moving Sushi understands that as freelancers the content created is critical for revenue generation. During expeditions all footage and visual content created remains the right of Moving Sushi to use, however copy right of the image will be that of the photographer. Credit will be given to the person who captured the image as follows: Image: Moving Sushi (photographers name). Selected images will be used by Moving Sushi for media related campaigns etc. and these images require a 3 month exclusivity clause prior to any further use by the copyright holder. This is imperative so that Moving Sushi has the best possible promotional materials for expedition fundraising, for media campaigns for presentations etc.
Notice for expedition team member
All selected team members for any Moving Sushi expedition will be required to complete the following prior to the expedition:
- Sign disclaimers relating to that specific expedition.
- Sign the ethics agreement.
- Sign the code of conduct agreement.
- Must have personal and travel insurance and liability cover (unless otherwise stated by Moving Sushi).
- Must have own equipment insured for loss, damage and theft (expedition specific).